Conectando con la naturaleza a través de la agricultura regenerativa

En Semilla de Mares, ofrecemos talleres y cursos de agricultura regenerativa. Nuestra huerta comunitaria y experiencias de herbolaria te invitan a reconectar con la naturaleza y aprender prácticas sostenibles que benefician al medio ambiente y a nuestra comunidad. ¡Únete a nosotros para cultivar un futuro mejor!

5/8/20241 min read

A wooden raised garden bed filled with lush green plants and soil is positioned next to a blue wheelchair. A gardening brochure is placed on the edge of the garden bed, providing information about the plants. Nearby, a countertop with a sink and gardening magazines is visible, highlighting an accessible garden setup.
A wooden raised garden bed filled with lush green plants and soil is positioned next to a blue wheelchair. A gardening brochure is placed on the edge of the garden bed, providing information about the plants. Nearby, a countertop with a sink and gardening magazines is visible, highlighting an accessible garden setup.

Agricultura regenerativa sostenible